Module 1

    Dates not yet available for this module


  • Discount: 15% for attending all 3 modules.
  • Early bird: 5% discount for registering three months in advance.
Dear Marius, it is now some four months since I attended your course in Germany and would like to give you some feedback from a Periodontists viewpoint. I have been doing implants for about 20 years and have been all over the world on different courses specializing in soft tissue management, aesthetics and augmentation procedures for implants. This is the first time that I have learned procedures that have greatly improved my predictability in implant dentistry. The procedures that you have pio- neered are very different from anything that I have seen in the literature or in lectures I have attended or other augmentation courses. Also I learned a great deal from the restorative perspective and have passed this on to my referring dentists.

Dr. Basil Fletcher Periodontist Australia

I have been pursuing implantology intensively for almost 15 years, I have attended numerous international confe- rences and seminars and, then, in only three days I come to understand how simple some things are. Dr. Steig- mann’s systematic reasoning and perfectly designed protocol provides an approach to implantology procedu- re that enables us to expand the procedure at any given situation depending on the circumstances. And what’s most important, I no longer have to think about which type of incision to apply in GBR, because it’s always the same protocol with the same instruments for different situations.

Damir Jelusic, Croatia